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The Maritime World – The Pope Video 8 – August 2020
2020Aug 4
By the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) Our society depends, probably more than many of us imagine, on the hard work of maritime workers and their families who have to face not only the dangers of nature—storms, hurricanes, etc.—but also human threats, such as piracy. Pope Francis summarizes very clearly the importance of the work of sailors and fishermen: “Without the people of the sea, many parts of the world would starve.” “The life of sailors or fishermen and their families is very difficult. Sometimes they are victims of forced labor or are left behind in distant ports. The competition of industrial fishing and the problem of pollution make their work even more complicated. Without the people of the sea, many parts of the world would starve. Let us pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families.” Each month, The Pope Video disseminates the Holy Father's prayer intentions regarding the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church. If you want to see more videos and other content about the Pope's intentions, you can find them at With the collaboration of Vatican Media: Credits: Apostleship of the Sea/Stella Maris: Environmental Justice Foundation:

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