New Here?

Queen of Angels Church is blessed with several programs and faith formation activities which are necessary for people of various age groups to establish, grow, and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ.

As Pastor, I am truly blessed to be a servant of this vibrant faith community, guiding people to grow in the faith to a greater experiential knowledge of Christ our Lord. As the entire Christian life is centered upon the Holy Eucharist as its source and summit, Queen of Angels Church endeavors to make the Liturgical Sacrifice of The Mass its central focus. We invite you to come and experience Catholic Faith and Life in its fullness at our parish.


Parish Registration Form

Online Parishioner Registration

Thank you for visiting our parish website. We are happy to welcome you and hope that you will be able to worship with us on a regular basis.

There are many ways for us to accomplish Christ’s mission more fully. As you get to know the parish, we would like to encourage you to consider being a part of one of our many ministries or activities that may interest you. Our Sunday bulletin, which is called The Messenger, is the primary means for making various ministries or volunteer opportunities known. It is accessible online by clicking on the Bulletins link. It has all the most current events happening at Queen of Angels.

After the Masses on Sundays, coffee and doughnuts are served in the St. Lawrence room of the church. It is an opportunity to meet neighbors and make new friends.

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